What is Hypnotherapy?

It is a speedy and effective form of psychotherapy in which the client and therapist work together to bring about positive changes the client wants to make in their life: to stop smoking or lose weight, to deal with stress, a phobia or an emotional problem that has caused negative behaviour patterns for many years. This often arises from an incident in childhood which their subconscious mind has hidden from conscious memory. This can prevent them from fulfilling their full potential, and /or moving their lives onto a more positive and beneficial path.

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.Hypnosis directly accesses the subconscious mind to bring about the wanted changes. The problems that hypnotherapy can help with is vast and varied.

What is Hypnohealing?

Hypnohealing works upon the basis that the mind and body can heal themselves. The body has resources within itself that it can call upon to heal and generate wellness. If a finger is cut, who heals it? The body, upon the mind's instruction, creates new cells which grow and merge together. . Likewise after surgery, the doctor's stitches create a tidy wound but the body heals it. A broken bone does the same. The immune system is constantly on alert to ward off unwanted invaders within us. The immune system is constantly on alert to ward off unwanted invaders within us. The body is also constantly renewing itself, creating new cells. The subconscious mind, through hypnosis, can assist, concentrate, focus and forward these healing processes.